DistributionAll Music Stores & Dsp

We aggregate more than 220 digital music services, such as Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, Amazon Music, Apple, etc..

Manage Your Assets

Easily manage all your digital assets, rights and metadata in one place.

Fast Delivery

The fastest time to deliver your music is 12 hours to 48 hours, so that your music can be seen everywhere, which is unparalleled.

Trend & Estimated Sales

Provide estimated sales of all channels, and intuitively check the performance of your music.

Sales Report

We provide a monthly royalty report that you can view and download.


Payment and customer support is what we are most proud of.
When you request payment, you will receive the payment within 2 hours at the earliest, but no more than 24 hours at the latest.
We provide various payment methods, such as: PayPal, Payoneer, wire transfer, Tipalti and many more.